Recommended for attempting full speed emulation of SFX/SA1/SFX2 games on the RPi2 alongside, and the same could be said when attempting full speed emulation of SA1/SFX2 games on a stock RPi3B, though accuracy will suffer in all cases.
The prefered emulator on the RPi2 or RPi3B due to its balance between speed and accuracy, though an overclocked RPi3B or stock RPi3B+ are recommended for attempting full speed emulation of SA1/SFX2 games. RetroPie includes multiple SNES emulators. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or SNES) was a 4th generation video game console released by Nintendo in 1991. Universal Controller Calibration & Mapping Using xboxdrvĬonvert RetroPie SD Card Image to NOOBS Image Validating, Rebuilding, and Filtering Arcade ROMsĮmulators: lr-snes9x, lr-snes9x2010, lr-snes9x2005, lr-snes9x2002, PiSNES, snes9x-rpi